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Inventory safe anti-theft lock tips

In the past, things like safes were only used in places like banks in our conception. In fact, safes have gradually entered everyone's life now, and now a little richer families will buy safe anti-theft locks.
A safe is an iron cabinet with a reliable safety device for storing valuables or confidential documents. It has the functions of fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-magnetic, waterproof and corrosion resistance. Safes are now widely used in various fields of social life. Many people who already own or are about to purchase a safe are not very familiar with safe locks. Let's take a look at the locks of the safe deposit box.
The locks of safe anti-theft locks can be divided into mechanical locks and electronic locks, as well as emerging fingerprint locks and pupil locks, according to different password working principles.
1. Mechanical lock
Mechanical locks are divided into two types: keyed and combination locks. Insert keys have a long history and are similar to ordinary locks. Mechanical combination locks usually have three to six digit combinations and do not require a key.
The advantages of mechanical locks are that the price is relatively cheap, the performance is relatively reliable, and it is easy to use.
The disadvantage of mechanical locks is that the lock with the key can sometimes be opened with a steel wire, and the quality of many combination locks is difficult to meet the standard and even the password can be identified by hand, so the security is not high.
2. Electronic lock
Electronic lock is a new type of lock, which applies electronic locks with intelligent control methods such as electronic passwords and IC cards to safes (boxes). There is a square keyboard on the safe door, and the door of the safe can be opened by pressing the correct password. .
The advantage of electronic locks is that they are easy to use and not easy to be stolen. Electronic locks are widely used in hotels, supermarkets and other places where passwords need to be changed frequently.
The biggest disadvantage of the electronic combination lock is that it is easy to be damaged. If it is damaged by a little external force, it can no longer be used. Even the owner of the safe cannot open it. It is very troublesome to replace this kind of lock. Usually, the safe is invalid. .
3. Fingerprint lock and pupil lock
Fingerprint lock and pupil lock are newly developed locks. Their biggest advantage is that they are not easily stolen. But the fingerprint lock and pupil lock are also almost plastic, more afraid of external damage. The fingerprints are not clear or the pupils are changed, which can not be opened normally.

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There are many variations of safe, but the majority have services for all types and sizes.